President Trump this morning declared that DACA is dead after after several tweets on immigration: Mexico may have the power to stop the, but unless we can convince them to do so, . . .

HE IS RISEN!! Hallelujah!!

HE IS RISEN!!  For thousands of years, Christians have celebrated the reality-shattering moment that we recognize today, the divine gift that God made to repair the union between Himself and mankind, because . . .


Trump went after DACA in his Easter morning rant today, saying that there would be no deal. He’s referring to a story from Buzzfeed that caught a hold on right wing websites: . . .

David Hogg mocks Ingraham’s Holy Week vacation

If this was anyone else I wouldn’t take it this way but because it’s Hogg and he’s proven himself to be an insufferable obnoxious ass, well, draw your own conclusions. Yeah I’m . . .