Trump’s AG nominee weighs in on Mueller investigation…

Trump’s new AG nominee, Bill Barr, has now weighed in on the Mueller investigation ahead of his Senate confirmation hearing tomorrow and Wednesday: POLITICO – Attorney General nominee William Barr will pledge . . .

Marco Rubio exposes the media in ONE tweet…

This morning Marco Rubio took to the media to ask a simple question: I made this point when the shutdown began and I’m glad to see Marco Rubio pose it in a . . .

Ouch! Obama STABS Biden 2020 in the BACK!!

The Democrat in-fighting for 2020 is getting heated and Biden’s hopes just discovered a knife in their back – and the hand on the handle belongs to none other than Barack Hussein . . .

White liberals HARASS black Trump supporter in Madison

There’s a video from an anti-Trump protest in Madison, Wisconsin where a black Trump supporter crashes the party and gets harassed for a while. Check out the nutty video: They’re calling him . . .