CNN analyst shocks Chris Cuomo, goes BALLISTIC over Congress demanding to know what Trump said to a foreign leader

Last night Chris Cuomo ran with this new intel scandal about Trump promising something to a foreign leader, but hit a huge roadblock when he asked CNN analyst Philip Mudd about it:

Mudd went ballistic on both the intel agency for collecting intel on Trump and for Congress thinking they have a right to know what Trump said on the phone call in question.

Mudd says Trump can say whatever he wants to foreign leaders because he’s the president and it’s not the job of the intel agencies to worry about it. He likened this to when Trump said the intel agencies were spying on him in 2016, suggesting this sounds a lot like that.

Mudd also added, rather emphatically, that Congress doesn’t have the right to know what Trump says to foreign leaders either.

He says a lot more in the clip so be sure and check it out.

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