CNN freaks out over the Right questioning Kamala’s ‘race’, but it all started on CNN!

CNN has been freaking out over a tweet from this weekend that Don Jr. retweeted and then deleted.

His tweet was asking if these tweets by Ali Alexander are true:

Don Jr. retweeting this sent shockwaves though the left on social media, because they all bashed him for it.

Here’s CNN yesterday doing their part and using April Ryan to blame it on Trump birtherism:

But the truth is that all of this about Kamala Harris and her not being African-American started on CNN. Back in February. By Don Lemon.

But CNN doesn’t mention that. Not a peep.

Even CNN’s Chris Cillizza came out today with an article about how inappropriate Don Jr.’s tweet was, and never once mentioned that Don Lemon is the one who started all of this.

Total dishonesty.

But hey, this is what we’ve come to expect from CNN. They, and others on the left, would much rather blame people on the right for birtherism than admit that a well-known CNN left-wing pundit is the one who started it.

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