Convicted criminal with illegal HANDGUN murders 3 in Michigan, Biden EXPLOITS deaths to push ‘assault weapons’ ban

Three people were murdered and five others injured by a convicted felon with mental problems at Michigan State University on Monday night, and the press, the Democrats, and Joe Biden are exploting this horror for their own political aims.

The murderer, Anthony Dwayne McRae, killed himself at the scene. Before that he terrorized the campus for over four hours as went on his rampage.

The New York Post notes that the motive is not known.

“We have absolutely no idea what the motive was at this point,” MSU Police Interim Deputy Chief Chris Rozman said early Tuesday.

McRae “had no affiliation to the university — he was not a student, faculty or staff, current or previous.”

“I know everybody wants to know what the motive is. We don’t have an answer right now, that’s the honest truth,” Rozman said of the “heinous” attack.

Nevertheless the left and Democrats have already assigned it to their political cause as Latest Mass Shooting or School Shooting. The liberal media are already associating it with Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, because they think believe in disarming law-abiding Americans who aren’t convicted felons and wouldn’t buy an illegal gun illicitly. Because the liberal media are stupid and evil and will exploit anything in order to put their idiotic villainy into practice. Activists group and anti-American dirtbag Shannon Watts are demanding weapons bans — again, only to affect non-felon, non-lawbreaking, non-murderers.

Most heinously of all Joe Biden is using it to push his domestic political agenda and State of the Union speech talking points.

And let’s not overlook this charlatanry.

The killer was a convincted criminal with a past gun charge. It was illegal for him to have any gun. The gun he had was not an “assault” weapon or a rifle of any kind. And he has demonstrable past mental breakdowns.

Democrats rely on shootings and murders to have the chance to stand in front of cameras and give their own version of “Thoughts and prayers” which consists of demanding gun bans they never act on so they can fundraise off gullible Democrat voters.

I’ll take a prayer over that grotesque exploitation any day of the week.

And if you’re praying, pray that sanity prevails, that the innocent are not disarmed in face of murderous felons who illegally obtain guns, and that somehow, someone will ever adress the real problems like rampant criminality, vicious vindictive entitlement, inflaming of racial and class tensions by leftists with no morality or ethics, and unaddressed dangerous mental illness.

Oh by the way? It was in a so-called gun-free zone.

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