Court rules Obama CAN FORCE NUNS to act against their religious conscience!

The “Little Sisters of the Poor” have lost their court case against the Obama administration and they’ll be forced to pay for contraceptives even if it’s against their religious beliefs.

From the execrable Atlantic:

When the Little Sisters of the Poor filed a complaint against the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate in 2013, they joined a host of other religious charities and colleges that claimed the law placed a burden on their free exercise of their religion. But the sisters stood out: If nuns claim a law violates their conscience, who’s to tell them they’re wrong?

On Tuesday, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals did just that. A three-member panel of judges ruled that the Obama administration has come up with a sufficient accommodation for religious organizations like the Little Sisters: If they object to providing insurance coverage to employees who want to buy birth control, organizations can sign a two-page form stating that objection. That’s it—from there, the administration will arrange for a third-party provider to make sure the employee can get coverage. But the Little Sisters, along with schools like Notre Dame and other religious organizations, claimed that signing that piece of paper was the moral equivalent of condoning birth control.

The court has not ruled that it is not condoning birth control, and Obamacare does not need to accommodate their religious objection.

Iran gets closer to a nuclear attack on Israel, Planned Parenthood admits to harvesting organs from the babies they kill, and Obama wins a court case to force nuns to act against their religion. Quite a day for liberal America.

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