David Axelrod Calls Possible Rubio VP Pick ‘An Insult To The Hispanic Community’

During an interview with Spanish language politics show, David Axelrod spewed forth from his face gutter that ‘It would be an insult to the Hispanic community” for Marco Rubio to be Mitt Romney’s Vice President pick.

h/t to Mediaite

When asked if choosing Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio as a vice presidential candidate could help Romney make up some lost ground, Axelrod not only believed Sen. Rubio to potentially have no impact in the campaign, but called putting him on the ticket “an insult to the Hispanic community.”

Frances Martel continues:

The comment is interesting for a number of reasons– the first and most obvious being that it is insulting in itself to think that trusting someone of Latin American descent to share a ticket is an “insulting” thing to do. Certainly Democrats didn’t seem to think it insulting to women when Walter Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro as his vice presidential pick.

To further the point, how is it not insulting to the Black community to have a Black president who completely goes against their opinion on gay marriage? Polling shows Blacks are much more likely to be against gay marriage, and yet curiously, no one finds it insulting that they support Obama overwhelmingly.

This is just the latest in this adminstration’s recent admissions of disdain for Latinos. While they believe that they have a stranglehold on this voting bloc, they will never actually fulfill their election-time promises. Given how their policies and promises have helped destroy the African-American community, it would be behoove the Latino community to gravitate towards less government help, and more economic freedom.

In February, Obama’s campaign manager mocked Latinos by repeating a line having to do with eating chimichangas. There was a furor among conservative Latinos, but of course the lapdog media gave it little coverage.

Harry Reid also chimed in to tell Marco Rubio to not forget he’s Hispanic, again trying to push the lie that amnesty for illegals is the only thing we care about.

Last month, a Democratic strategist was quoted as saying disdainfully that they were not worried about the Latino vote, since they had enough money, and could buy off the community.

When Obama finally began his re-election campaign, he foolishly planned the opening event on Cinco De Mayo. Rather than include Hispanics, he decided he would push the holiday back, to get it out of the way. This is no surprise since he called it “Cinco de Cuatro” one year.

Even when begging Latinos for campaign contributions, Obama couldn’t respect the community enough to meet his supporters without combining the event with the LGBT cause.

And of course, there’s always the specter of Fast and Furious that resulted in at least 300 dead Mexican nationals through the illegal sale of guns to drug czars, authorized by ATF. What little media coverage has been allowed to dribble out has still not inspired enough anger to demand that Eric Holder and the Department of Justice stop stonewalling the investigation.

All of these would gaffes would be fatal to a re-election campaign if it were coming from Republicans, as you can bet the media would continuously demand answers, and gin up outrage with intense coverage. Not for a Democrat, and especially not for Obama.

Still, there are signs that the democratic boot on the neck of this minority group is lessening in strength. We reported months ago on the failure of the expected explosion in Latino voters to materialize. Hopefully this is evidence of the Latino community waking up to the lies, broken promises, and insults from this feckless, arrogant administration.

***Follow Latino conservative blogger and cartoonist SooperMexican on twitter, and read more HERE!

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