DEBUNKED Ivermectin FAKE news FLOODED ‘usual suspects’ in press, social media all weekend. NO CONSEQUENCES

A fake and easily debunked story has been all over the media all weekend about how Oklahoma redneck hick dummy Trump voting JERKS are all overdosing on HORSE DEWORMER from feed stores and have flooded the emergency rooms and hospitals leaving no room for other more IMPORTANT and more SOPHISTICATED vaccinated fully human beings.

But it’s hogwash. Cow puckey. It ain’t so. And the SINGLE source for this FLOOD of misinformation is a jerk with an axe to grind who isn’t even A. FULL. EMPLOYEE. at the ER he claimed was overwhelmed.

That ER has had ZERO cases. Not overwhelming cases. Not many or a lot or so much that beds are taken up. ZILCH.

Here’s an example of the MSM freak-out.

Except, nope.

Saturday, Sept. 4, 2021 – A recent interview with an Oklahoma rural emergency room doctor, Dr. Jason McElyea, has caused a stir regarding ER care at NHS-Sequoyah located in Sallisaw.

In a recent interview with KFOR in Oklahoma City, Dr. McElyea was quoted as saying that hospitals he works at are becoming overwhelmed from people taking ivermectin. He went on to state that ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims are “having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated.”

Hospital administrator Stephanie Six said today that this is simply not the case in Sallisaw.

“We at NHS-Sequoyah have not seen or had any patients in our ER or hospital with ivermectin overdose,” Six said. “We have not had any patients with complaints or issues related to ivermectin.”


Unbelievable? Sorta, but sorta not.

They are being flayed on Twitter to no avail.

Here’s the question, but we already know the answer.

You know there won’t be any consequences. They won’t be labeled “misinformation.”

Ironically, WE might be labeled that by Google for REPORTING this error by Maddow and Rolling Stone and Newsweek. Seriously, that will probably happen.

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