Democrat Duckworth’s abject hypocrisy on Mt. Rushmore revealed in old tweet

We posted earlier how Tammy Duckworth said she was actually open to rioters ripping down statues of George Washington. Well in that same interview she goes on and on about how horribly racist Mt. Rushmore is.

Here’s the problem – in a tweet from just 5 years ago, she actually said that she would dress up as that horribly racist monument:

WOW! So weird! Soooo did the monument just become horribly racist in those 5 years? Or… did something.. happen.. that made Democrats start hating Mt. Rushmore conveniently in time for the election? Hmmmmm. I guess we’ll never know.

AND NOT ONLY THAT, but in the photo she posted, she’s going to her Fourth of July party with a woman actually dressed up like Betsy Ross, waving the racist Betsy Ross flag!!! So much racism, according to the libs anyway…

She should definitely resign for admitting that she’s a horrible racist. Terrible!!

[H/t: @PeculiarBaptist]

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Yikes. Take care everyone!! God bless!!

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