Democrats SHOOT DOWN Republican motion to censure Adam Schiff

Republicans are hopping mad after their resolution to censure Adam Schiff was tabled by Democrats in the House today.

From Reuters:

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Monday blocked a Republican effort to censure House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff over statements he has made related to an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump.

As expected, the Democratic-controlled House voted 218-185 to block consideration of the Republican measure, thus shelving it.

Republicans accused Schiff of misleading the public by, among other things, saying he did not know the identity of a whistleblower who reported that Trump pressured Ukraine’s newly elected president to investigate a U.S. political rival, Democrat Joe Biden who is running for president.

Then there’s this idiot:

Well, it’s really easy. Every Republican voted to censure, every Democrat voted against, so yeah, don’t stress your last working brain cell on that list, Patty.

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