Democrats target Republican candidate’s Christian faith, hoping it will be his DOWNFALL in November

Democrats are once again trying to use the Christian faith of a Republican candidate against him.

I say ‘again’, because it happened back in 2010 with the despicable Alan Grayson on this very same issue: wives submitting to their husbands.

That’s right. Democrats love attacking Christianity.

Democrats were already targeting North Carolina’s 9th District before incumbent Rep. Robert Pittenger lost his Republican primary in May. And they’re hoping that past comments from the former Baptist minister who defeated him improves their chances of flipping the seat this fall.

Mark Harris on multiple occasions — as a preacher and political candidate — has said that women should submit fully to their husbands and that he believed homosexuality is a choice. Before venturing into politics, he was a pastor at First Baptist Church in Charlotte.

Oh yeah, it’s also about homosexuality.

But on the issue of wives submitting to their husbands, here’s what he said last Friday about it. And I love how he explains it:

Harris said in a Friday interview with Roll Call that a wife submitting to her husband does not mean that they are not equal. He said he regularly mentions that in counseling sessions and when he presides at weddings.

“I say [to the husband], ‘Here’s how this works. You’ve got to love your wife with an incredible love that can only come through Christ,’” he said. “It’s really submitting one to another in a relationship.”

Harris said he did not consider submission to be a matter of one person being inferior to the other.

“[Jesus] didn’t consider it wrong to submit himself to the Father,” he said.

That’s exactly right. In fact Jesus gave EVERYTHING for His bride (the church), and that’s way more than we needed or deserved.

I like to think of it like this. If the debt we owed individually for our sins could be quantified, and that debt was $100 dollars for each person, then what Christ gave to pay off each person’s debt would be something like a trillion dollars. What Christ gave just so we could be reunited with him in full communion was for more than the debt required. That’s how much Christ submitted himself to His Father and loved his bride.

But of course Democrats are going to spin that in every way they can to try and use this corrupt culture against him.

Harris faces Democrat Dan McCready, a Marine veteran and business owner, in this once-thought safe Republican district that stretches along the South Carolina border from the wealthy suburbs of Charlotte to Fayetteville.

The Charlotte Observer criticized Harris in an editorial last month for once saying that women have lost basic skills “like how to prepare a meal, how to sew on a button, how to keep a home.”

McCready also criticized Harris for comments he made in 2013, when he questioned if women pursuing careers and being independent was “a healthy pursuit for society.”

If you want to read more about what Harris has said on the issue, read the full article. But I assure you, it’s not only well stated, but in line with the scriptures.

When it comes to homosexuality, here’s what he’s said:

In a July 30, 2013, interview ahead of his Senate run, Harris said he had yet to buy into the premise that someone who “chooses the homosexual lifestyle is born that way,” citing a lack of medical evidence.

The GOP nominee told Roll Call his view had not changed.

“I have not done an in-depth study. But I still continue, and feel like, and believe that there’s data on both sides,” he said.

Harris said he believes there are things that could affect a person’s sexual orientation.

“But it is still a choice. I do still stand by that,” he said.

You know, if ‘choice’ is so good when it comes to killing babies, why is ‘choice’ so bad when it comes to homosexuality?

I’m not going to delve into my feelings on homosexuality because I’ve run out of time, but let’s just say they aren’t far off from those of Harris.

In any event, the left will continue to attack Harris on his faith. But with all hope, the right will punch back hard in November at McCready and the Democrats and their slimeball campiagn, and push them into the loser bin of history.

Just as an aside, there has been one poll so far and it was done in July. It shows McCready up by 7 points.

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