DIGITAL CIVIL WAR: Twitter’s PURGE continues, locked New York Post, Newsbusters editor, and THE PRESS SECRETARY.

Twitter blocked a New York Post story because, and ONLY because, it hurt Joe Biden. Any other words typed on a screen as their reason for doing it are lies. And their purge of the ideologically unacceptable was not limited to that New York Post article they were in no position to vet, it went on to the ACCOUNT.

They LOCKED the New York Post account!!!! They literally suppressed the free press. Not content with censoring the story and suppressing the free press, they then began locking accounts that were in support of the Post.

Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck.


They are DYING for Trump to share so they can lock him out. Because guess what this is?

Digital civil war is right.

They did this because the story was negative about Biden. That is THE. ONLY. REASON. Anyone spewing any other caveats, conditions, excuses, or equivocations is a liar. Not wrong, or thoughtful, or keeping powder dry or any other excuse. A willful, knowing, liar.

Meanwhile, here’s the story in a video from YouTube. While it lasts..

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