DISGUSTING: Obama judge orders Trump admin to allow immigrant teens to get taxpayer funded ABORTIONS

This is so disgusting. Just as I would be unable to bake a ‘gay wedding cake’ in a bakery store, there’s no way – even with a court order – that I could allow teenage illegals under my jurisdiction to get abortions. It does more than violate my conscience, it violates the lives of those little unborn babies who were brought into this world through no fault of their own:

CBN – A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to allow two pregnant teenagers staying in a Health and Human Services shelter to get abortions.

The unaccompanied minors, both 17 years of age, were detained while entering the country. One is 10 weeks pregnant and the other is almost 22 weeks pregnant.

U.S. District Judge Tanay Chutkan ruled the administration can’t keep the teens from their “right” to an abortion. She wrote, “preserve (the teens) constitutional right to decide whether to carry their pregnancies to term.”

The Trump administration changed an Obama-era policy that allowed pregnant minors detained while entering the country to end their pregnancies.

“We are deeply disappointed in the decision to grant a temporary restraining order that will compel HHS to facilitate abortions for minors when they are not medically necessary,” The Department of Health and Human Services, which is caring for the minors, said in a statement. “HHS-funded facilities that provide temporary shelter and care for unaccompanied alien minors should not become way stations for these children to get taxpayer-facilitated abortions.”

I’ll be so glad one day when we can finally outlaw abortions once and for all. The idea that a life, one that is simply unborn, is so worthless that it deserves death is barbaric. It might as well be Hitler massacring 6 million Jews or Mao Zedong killing 45 million through work, starvation and beatings.

According to Wikipedia, almost 62 million unborn babies have been aborted between 1970 and 2013. That’s insane.

Another 652,639 were reported in 2014 and that’s all the data we have so far.

And this is what the left celebrates? Horrendous!

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