Disney+ has a new Marvel Hero Project video in its new streaming service that showcases a 12-year-old boy who, with the support of his parents, transgendered his way to being a girl:
BREITBART – The new Disney+ streaming service is spotlighting the activism of a 12-year-old transgender girl as part of the new Marvel unscripted series Hero Project, which profiles young individuals who are trying to make a difference in their communities.
Hero Project‘s episode “Mighty Rebekah” introduces Rebekah Bruesehoff, a transgender girl from New Jersey who transitioned at the age of eight. Bruesehoff was born male but now identifies as a girl with the support of her parents.
The episode follows Bruesehoff’s path toward activism, which began around the time the group Garden State Equality started agitating for statewide guidelines regarding transgender kids in schools.
As terrible as this is, it’s also being done under the label of Christianity:
It also reveals that Bruesehoff is active as a singer in her Christian church, where her father is a pastor.
I’m guessing it’s Episcopal since they are full-on LGBT+W and the father is wearing an Episcopal looking collar.
One day this kid is going to grow up and realize just how screwed up his parents made him and it will probably be sooner than later.
Here’s the two videos from Disney’s Marvel on this: