DNC Chair just proclaimed this EXTREMIST as the future of their party! [VIDEO]

Tom Perez, the current DNC Chair who Rush Limbaugh once likened to leftist Hugo Chavez, just proclaimed that the socialist ‘girl from the Bronx’ is the future of the Democratic Party. Not Kidding.


Ocasio-Cortez hasn’t even won the election yet and she’s already being hailed as the future of the Democrat party by the head of the DNC? Why, because Perez’s daughters were excited she won? Really? She’s running in a heavily liberal district so even if she does win, that won’t say much about her ability to win tough elections where many voters aren’t ‘socialist’ and don’t want to get rid of ICE.

But hey, if they want to declare a self-avowed socialist following in the footsteps of Bernie Sanders to be the future of the party…we’ll let’s just say Trump will be very happy about that, as will many Republicans running in the future.

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