Double amputee Iraq vet’s message to Obama: We empowered Iraqi people, honor our commitment

Our nation can debate whether it’s in America’s interests to go back into Iraq to keep Baghdad from falling to vile extremist terrorist hands, but the most important opinions should be from those who sacrificed in the Iraq War in the first place. Retired Staff Sgt. Johnny “Joey” Jones is in a unique position as a double amputee of that war to voice an opinion many military members share.

Here’s the video:

Jones told Obama personally that the military liberated and empowered Iraq people against tyranny, and that he should not squander what so many paid to achieve. He also believes that airstrikes won’t repel the terrorists, and sending troops in is “almost inevitable”:

“In 2003, we had a very unconditioned military for war. We had a military used to haircuts and uniforms. Now we have the best-trained, best conditioned military our country’s ever seen. I don’t believe we should just roll in with 100,000 troops again, but I believe that combined arms, surgical units, units that know how to do diplomacy as well as combat are almost inevitable for this situation.”

I have a feeling Obama is more interested in protecting his political prestige than honoring any commitments we might have made.


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