Ed Schultz On America, The Third World Country

Today on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, Schultz and his panel were discussing the issue of unemployment benefits when he made the following claim:

I think the democrats have got to learn a lesson here when it comes to the budget. And the budget is this. Is that we have seen exactly how the republicans are going to act when it comes to money. They don’t care about workers they don’t care about long-term unemployment. They don’t care about the story that was told to me on my radio show by Jim McDermott a congressman who had a man call his office very upset, he’s got two degrees, he’s a veteran, and his family is now living in the car. I mean these, this is, we are now becoming a third-world country because we are so concerned, I mean, it it it it’s mind boggling to me how ruthless they can be.

The absurdity of the claims of the bleeding hearts never ceases to amaze. A third world country? Schultz has obviously never been to a third world country. We don’t have throngs of children in rags swarming cars at every intersection begging for food. Sprawling shanty towns. People starving by the millions, widespread disease. Bono.

Democrats love to talk about toning down the rhetoric. They say this every few months to prove that they are The Reasonable and Sensible party. Then they go back to saying republicans want you to die quickly and calling the United States – the historic standard in prosperity, freedom, and standard of living – a third world country. And not because of major societal collapse on the order of, say, Detroit. But because existing unemployment benefits weren’t extended. Go find me a third world country that even HAS unemployment benefits like we do. Seriously, I’ll wait. No? Truly, the absurdity is trumped only by the effrontery.

No, Ed, America is not becoming a third world nation. I mean, it it it it’s mind-boggling how clueless you can be.

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