Jerry Falwell Jr. went to Trump offices to pick up his thirty pieces of silver and while he was there he got his wife to pose with Trump and his p0rno mag cover!!
Aw man, c’mon seriously?!?
Ugh. How perfect. The Evangelical community has whored itself out to Trump in exchange for the promise of power, so why not? Look how perfectly framed that is!! Almost as if it was done on purpose. Diabolical!!
The internet had a field day with it, of course:
Look Trump only reads Playboy for the articles.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) June 21, 2016
And, yes, I know for most of you, you probably don’t care that Trump prominently and proudly displays p0rnography for pictures. But it’s a little bit hypocritical for the President of Liberty University when they specifically council Christians against looking at pornography:
I short video I did for Liberty University Challenges Facing the Family Unit: Pornography – #iTunes
— Jeff Scott (@trainingofthe12) June 18, 2013
Ah well, who cares. Nothing matters anyway.