EPIC Mark Levin takedown of Mika, Christie, Hutchison and (cough) others (cough) over DeSantis v Disney is ALL BOOM

Mark Levin on Saturday shared his epic takedown of Mika Brzezinski on DeSantis vs. Disney, and that’s the perfect thing to do. First, because that dumb ditz is the absolute, boiled-down encapsulation of the entire media. Imperious, self-righteous, and stunningly stupid. Just truly not smart in any way at all. But utterly convinced of her righteousness.

That’s the media all in one airhead loudmouth. She is them. They are her.

But it’s also perfect for another reason: in taking down her pathetic attempt to smear DeSantis it highlights how stupid these attacks from within the party are, and shows who you are getting in bed with when you make them.

You’re in bed with Mika.

Levin spells that out and more in this clip that appears to be from earlier this year. He reposted it today on Rumble and is going after Christie hard.

But there’s even another reason why it’s REALLY great he’s sharing this right now, because although he was talking about Christie and Hutchinson then, and went after Christie again today, guess who ELSE it applies to now.

Go ahead. Guess.

A corporation’s job is to make money, to make products, to do services for people. Their job is not to try and replace the elected representatives of a state. So when you hear people say that DeSantis is not a Conservative because he’s trying to tell the private sector what to do, it’s the other way around. These are state entities. Public schools, the legislatures and so forth.

And if private entities, corporatists who are completely woke, almost all Democrats and leftists are going to use the resources, their grant power, like Zuckerberg did in Philadelphia and other cities and states with his $417 million.

But if you’re going to try and influence the outcome of elections. But if you’re going to try and influence the culture in a way that the people have not elected their representatives to do, then DeSantis will stand up to it the way Trump did. Asa Hutchinson will not and did not in Arkansas. Chris Christie will not and did not in New Jersey. Chris Sununu will not and did not in New Hampshire.

So to then claim the conservative mantle is one that stands by while the Marxist left destroys our culture, destroys our classrooms, destroys our children, sexualizes them in elementary school, turns one race against another with critical race theory, this Marxist ideology, and so forth and so on. That’s not conservatism.

We’re talking about government institutions, being influenced by corporations.

Moreover, Disney’s had a a good run for half a century. Basically, Disney was able to create its own city with its own firefighters, its own police force, its own tax base. Florida had no say. They had their own garbage service. Everything. Zoning was decided by Disney. They didn’t even have all the state environmental rules apply. The zoning rules apply. If they wanted to build something in a park, they just did it. No other corporation in Florida, no other corporation in any state in America had that kind of authority. So DeSantis looks at this and he says, What the hell? Isn’t it time to fix this? Here you are, a California-based corporation, you’re making a fortune off our state and our people and the people who visit. You’re trying to push sexualization of our children in the schools against the wishes of the elected representatives. You’re also pushing critical race theory. You’re pushing DEI and ESG while we’re trying to fight it? The culture war, the battle. Well, we shouldn’t continue to subsidize with taxpayer monies this corporation like no other corporation on the planet. And so they attacked DeSantis.

Utterly, perfectly, absolutely, truly correct.

We should be celebrating this, not taking cheap pot shots for personal political gain. We have a country here, and we’re fighting to keep it. If your personal ambition somehow supercedes that, well …

Look, Levin was not relating this to the thing that some of us might be relating it to. But it’s obviously applicable. And on point. And accurate. And perfect.

But hey go ahead and talk it out below, y’all.


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