Erdogan compares Israel to Hitler, issues apocalyptic WARNING! Netanyahu RESPONDS…

Erdogan is now accusing the Israeli government of having the same mindset as Hitler over their new law that officially makes Israel the “nation-sate of the Jewish people” and says that the right of national self-determination is only “unique to the Jewish people”:

YNET NEWS – Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that Israel’s Nationality Law, which declares that only Jews have the right of self determination, legitimizes oppression and shows that Israel is a fascist and racist country.

Speaking to members of his ruling AK Party in parliament, Erdogan said the law showed Israel was “the most Zionist, fascist and racist country in the world,” and called on the international community to mobilize against Israel.

“The Jewish nation-state law passed in the Israeli parliament shows this country’s real intentions. It legitimizes all unlawful actions and oppression,” Erdogan said.

“There is no difference between Hitler’s Aryan race obsession and Israel’s mentality. Hitler’s spirit has re-emerged among administrators in Israel,” he said.

So fascist Erdogan who imprisons both journalists and political enemies, who takes over all major opposition media organizations and turns them into his propaganda outlets, and who purges the army and judiciary (among other government entities) and replaces them with his henchmen – he has the audacity to accuses Israel of oppression and fascism? It’s alike Bizzaro world where everything is backwards.

He then issued an apocalyptic warning to Israel:

Erdogan said Israel had shown itself to be a “terror state” by attacking Palestinians with tanks and artillery, adding that the move would “drown the region and world in blood and suffering”.

Erdogan also warned the move would lead the region and the world to “blood, fire and pain” and promised to stand with Palestinians.

Just a couple of months ago Erdogan was calling for an international peacekeeping force at the OIC to step in and protect Palestinians from Israelis.

And earlier this year Memri uncovered plans being cooked up by Erdogan’s chief military advisor to join Islamic armies and invade Israel.

Given this and what we’ve already discussed from the scriptures, Erdogan’s warnings shouldn’t be dismissed. He’s a man hell bent on resurrecting the Ottoman Empire and he’s obsessed with Jerusalem. And he hates it when the Jews claim official ownership of their country and Jerusalem.

Netanyahu took to Twitter this morning and responded to Erdogan’s comments:

He’s right. Turkey has abandoned it’s secular democracy for a dark Islamist Republic of sorts which will soon become the center of Erdogan’s new Ottoman Empire 2.0.

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