Even CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin admits that hearsay is a big problem for Democrats…

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin admitted after today’s phony impeachment hearing that hearsay is a problem for Democrats trying to impeach Trump:

Toobin said…

“The one criticism of these two witnesses, which I think is very much legitimate….is that neither of them had direct contact with the president, ever. And that’s a problem if you’re going to impeach the president.”

It’s a huge problem. As Nikki Haley pointed out, impeachment is the equivalent of the death penalty for a politician, yet they have no smoking gun nor spent ammo casings. All they have is 3rd and 4th level hearsay and speculation, which isn’t even admissible in a court of law.

Yet despite this we get anti-Trump cultists at MSNBC accusing Republicans, who refuse to accept the impeachment narrative, as being loyal, not to America, but to one person named Donald J. Trump:

I don’t know how these fools can get up in the morning and look themselves in the mirror. If there was a smoking gun of something impeachable, Chuck Todd’s statement would make sense. But there isn’t, and thus Todd sounds like impeachment has become his religion.

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