Facebook marked our post as “FALSE INFORMATION” even though it said the SAME THING as the fact check!

Yesterday when we posted that Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts weren’t really back like it had been reported, Facebook marked my post as ‘false information’ and put a fact-check on it. They also penalized my page for it, calling it a ‘violation’:

The entire point of my post was to post the factual information that Trump’s ban was still active, which was provided by Facebook no less, and I still get a demerit for it:

I started by posting the breaking news and then I posted the truth below it, all in the same post. My title even suggested that Facebook had just given bad news on the topic. What the hell, Facebook???

What I suspect happened is that Facebook went on a rampage to make sure no one believed Trump had gotten his account access back and therefore just plugged in keywords that started marking EVERYTHING on the topic as false information. If my post had actually been fake news, that might have been one thing. But it wasn’t. And what is more than clear is that the Facebook fascist mob will not let you say anything they don’t want you to say without penalizing you. Their censorship is on steroids these days and it’s not even accurate.

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