Famous actress shares vagina cupcake photo on Women’s Day, then forced to APOLOGIZE after ridiculous backlash!

The tail is wagging the dog again on the left.

On International Women’s Day, “Will & Grace” star Debra Messing posted a vulgar photo of vagina cupcakes on her instagram account.

Her intent was to honor the day, however it quickly turned against her as people on the left were offended that she excluded transgender women. Seriously.

THE BLAZE – Messing faced heavy backlash on social media because she didn’t include transgender women without a vagina in her tribute to women.

Messing’s original post simply featured the photo of the cupcakes along with the caption “Happy International Women’s Day! Powerful, beautiful, and sweet.”

The “Will & Grace” star apparently received a deluge of comments criticizing her for assuming all women have a vagina, and implying a vagina symbolizes all of womanhood, so she expounded on her original post with an apology.

I didn’t see a whole lot of backlash on Twitter or Instagram, but it must’ve been there because she quickly apologized:

I want to apologize to my trans sisters. This photo was supposed to be light, & sassy. The first thing I thought when I saw this photo was “wow how wonderful. Each one is unique in color and shape and size. The porn industry has perpetuated this myth of what a “beautiful” vagina looks like and as a result there are women who feel shame or insecure about the shape of the vulva. I loved that this picture said “every single one is beautiful and unique and that’s powerful.” I did not, however, think “but there are innumerable beautiful, unique and powerful women who don’t have a vagina. And I SHOULD have. And for that I am so so sorry. Thank you for righting my wrong.

The left is out of control with this garbage. Not only can a “woman” have both a vagina and a penis, but these men who claim to be women MUST now be celebrated as women on International Women’s Day.

Trans-feminism is now the only feminism on the left, and they deserve it.

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