Former Fox News anchor Lauren Sivan describes DISGUSTING way Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed her [VIDEO]

This wasn’t 1960 or 1980. This was just 10 years ago when former Fox News anchor, Lauren Sivan, met Harvey Weinstein for the first time only to be horrified at what happened after their wonderful conversation.

She explains below. You can skip to 1:55 for the interview itself:

I think this qualifies as sexual assault. After all she was forced to watch him pleasure himself until he was done because he was blocking the exit.

Ugh. What a creep!

But that’s not all. He called her the next day and told her he had a good time!

Just how delusional does one have to be to think that a girl would go out with him after that horrifying spectacle like that, after she had already turned him down? Did he think his junk was a magical wand or something?

And this after all of this his non-apology apology the other day. It was just like Sivan said, there was no remorse or self-reflection in the statement whatsoever.

It reminds me of Romans 1. Talk about depraved.

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