GEEZ: Netflix just paid BIG BUCKS to air documentary on radical socialist Ocasio-Cortez

On the day that AOC launches her ridiculously radical Green New Deal, we find out that Netflix has about to do their part to make her as popular as they can:

NY POST – Netflix shelled out an eye-popping $10 million for rights to a documentary about young upstarts running for Congress starring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Deadline first reported the amount the streaming giant paid for “Knock Down the House,” a film that followed four women vying for office during the 2018 election cycle.

The website said it was the largest sum ever brokered at a film festival for a documentary.

The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival late last month.

The media loves their radical democrats, that’s for sure. They want her to be elected president one day and they are gonna do everything they can to make people love her, even if it costs 10 million.

AOC was just on with Chuck Todd and it was pathetic how softly he treated her. He didn’t ask her any tough questions about her radical green new deal and just let her pretend like it wasn’t radical at all.


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