GOOD: Netanyahu opposes Palestinian Authority taking control of Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu come out today in strong opposition to the idea that the Palestinian Authority would take over control of Gaza once the war is over.

Netanyahu has already indicated that a security force would remain in Gaza for an indefinite period of time to prevent what happened on October 7th from ever happening again.

But Netanyahu pulled no punches in saying he would not let the PA take over Gaza and teach their children to hate Jews like Hamas did.

He also pointed out that the PA won’t even condemn what happened on 10/7:

AXIOS – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday that he opposes the idea of the Palestinian Authority retaking control of the Gaza Strip on the day after the war.

Netanyahu’s position goes against that of the Biden administration, most European countries and the Arab world, which have indicated that the PA must be involved in Gaza after the war.

“There isn’t going to be in Gaza a civilian authority that teaches its children to hate Israel and to destroy Israel,” Netanyahu said at a press conference Saturday.

“We can’t have [In Gaza] an authority that pays families of terrorists…and it can’t be an authority that the person who is heading it hasn’t condemned the Oct. 7 massacre,” he added, referring to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. “There needs to be something different.”

Israel says the goal of its offensive in Gaza is to free the hostages Hamas is holding and to “destroy” the militant group.

Israel has said that it does not wish to “reoccupy” or control the Strip for a long period of time, but it has not given a detailed plan for who it believes should govern the enclave if it achieves its goal of dismantling Hamas.

Netanyahu in recent days has indicated that Israeli forces will stay in Gaza for at least some time after the war. “IDF forces will remain in control of the Strip, we will not give it to international forces,” he said on Friday.

Meanwhile, Biden’s lackies are pressuring Netanyahu to agree to allow the PA to have some say in what happens to the Gaza Strip when the war is over:

The Biden administration has been focused in recent days on trying to get discussions going on a day-after plan for when the war ends.

Two Biden administration officials said Secretary of State Tony Blinken told Abbas in Ramallah last week that the U.S. believes the Palestinian Authority needs to play a key role in Gaza after the war.

Blinken told reporters later in Tokyo there must be “affirmative elements to get to a sustained peace” after the war. This “must include Palestinian-led governance and Gaza unified with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority,” he added.

I’m so glad Netanyahu is standing firm against this asinine suggestion. Biden officials are such willful idiots when it comes to the safety and protection of the Israeli people. To even suggest something like this shows just how much they don’t understand the situation or how much they just don’t care. And you know that Biden is trying to win an election so that’s really all he cares about.

The only way that Israel will ever be safe when it comes to Gaza is for Israel to control it. Period. End of story.

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