Government Rationed Salaries

uncle_sam_controlGovernment bailouts, Government mortgage payments, Government funded car payments, Government salary control, Government personnel control.

Sheesh, can I have some milk in my cup of socialism?

Today I learn that congress is trying to pass a law that would give them the ability to not only control the salaries of CEOs of companies that take federal assistance, but of everyone in the company.  Yeah, the guy in the mail room too.  So, if your company takes federal assistance, your salary would be “rationed’ as if it were food.  This is unprecedented control that we’ve never before seen, and will only lead to…well, whatever the opposite is of prosperity.  So how many people will leave the company if their salaries get reduced?  It will happen and it might just be that kind of talent that you just can’t replace off the street. Do you think I’m crazy?  Any venture the government takes control over, like health care, has to succumb to cost controls so that the government can make a better deal for itself, so that it can afford to treat everyone, or in this case pay everyone.

I fear for this country.  Stuart Varney was right yesterday in stating passionately on the Sean Hannity show that he is very worried about the direction we are heading.  After all, he left England back in the ’70’s when government control had run amuck.  And apparently no one get’s anywhere faster than Obama.  I am not sure what this country will look like by the time the 2010 elections get here at this pace.

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