Grade school defends field trip for 1st and 2nd graders…. to the GUN RANGE!!

A Georgia grade school academy is defending their decision to take kids on a field trump to a gun range. YEEEHAWW!!!

Apparently people began to be alarmed when they saw pictures of gun-totin’ little tykes on Facebook. They called the local news station, and they went to investigate.

“This was a wonderful learning experience with a safety class before and after the guns were handled,” [the preschool’s owner,] Dorsten said.

Dorsten told Willis the children have been learning about sharpshooter Annie Oakley and folk hero Davy Crockett.

She said the gun range High Caliber Firearms has an 1894 rifle of the type that Oakley would have used. Dorsten told Willis she decided to give the kids a hands-on lesson and parents approved.

Gun range owner Sean Jerguson defended the visit but when Willis called it a field trip, he said, “When you say field trip, I don’t know what that means. We’ve had a number of youth programs here. I wouldn’t know how to define a field trip. We have a number of private and home-school groups come into the store.”

“It was definitely a part of our Georgia-approved curriculum,” Dorsten said.

Still, there’s been plenty of blowback from local parents and people from across the country. One person called the trip “unacceptable, irresponsible and dangerous.”

“I’m fine with everyone having their own opinion. I’m just so glad our children were able to have an educational experience,” Dorsten said.

The Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning released a statement that said, “We are currently investigating to determine what children were involved in the field trip and whether it is within DECAL’s jurisdiction to take appropriate actions.”

The academy posted on Facebook about the trip:

Here’s what the statement read:

Due to the recent media attention I thought that I’d give everyone the facts.

1) These were FIRST and SECOND graders – NOT preschoolers. The parents were informed of the trip beforehand and we had signed permission slips the day of the event.

2) This was a lesson on our country’s history- that is in their GA approved curriculum about Annie Oakley, Pecos Bill and Davy Crockett. Our goal was to show the students that it was very difficult for Annie Oakley and Davy Crockett and Pecos bill to be able to accomplish the things that they did.

3) This WAS NOT a lesson on guns. The only guns that were shown were a 1894 Winchester rifle and a 6 shooter from the same era.

And lastly- and more importantly

4) for the last 7 years we have sent EVERY SINGLE preK student home before Christmas READING!!
Holdheide is an AMAZING place that does fantastic things for children. The teachers love these kiddos and go above and beyond each and every day. We are SO HONORED to spend our day with them!

Now I’m usually much more relaxed about guns, even around kids, but these kids seemed a teeny bit young for that. That time could probably have been used for other, more educational reasons. What do ya’ll think?

[H/T roadkill-slinging skinny Southerner]

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