Gun-Control Announcement: Obama inviting children who wrote him letters after Newtown school massacre

Tomorrow Obama is expected to announce sweeping gun-control proposals and his backdrop will likely be children who have supposedly written him letters after the elementary school massacre. Ugh. Typical Democrat tactic. He might as well just point to the children and say “do you want these children to die?”

They haven’t announced the gun-control measures specifically, but are saying it includes “an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on the number of bullets that ammunition clips can hold.”

WAPO – President Obama will unveil a sweeping set of gun-control proposals at midday Wednesday, including an assault weapons ban, universal background checks and limits on the number of bullets that ammunition clips can hold, according to sources familiar with the plans.

The announcement, which press secretary Jay Carney said is scheduled for about 11:45 a.m. at the White House, is also expected to include a slate of up to 19 executive actions that the Obama administration can take on its own to attempt to limit gun violence.

The White House has invited key lawmakers as well as gun-control advocates to appear at Wednesday’s policy rollout, according to two officials who have been invited to the event.

Joining Obama and Vice President Biden for the announcement will be children from across the country who wrote Obama letters after last month’s elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn., Carney said.

Carney declined to provide details on the administration’s gun proposals, and he acknowledged that there are “limits” to what Obama can achieve through executive action alone.

“I will not get ahead of the president in terms of what his package of proposals will include,” he told reporters Tuesday. “I will simply note that the president has made clear that he intends to take a comprehensive approach.”

Regarding executive action, Carney said, “It is a simple fact that there are limits to what can be done within existing law, and Congress has to act on the kinds of measures we’ve already mentioned, because the power to do that is reserved by Congress.”


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