HA HA HAA: Bernie Sanders tries to explain why his anti-capitalism book tour is SO EXPENSIVE. And uses evil Ticketmaster!

Democrats and libs have been trashing Evil Capitalist Ticketmaster, but Bernie Sanders is doing a fancy speaking tour promoting his book attacking Evil Capitalism and that’s where you have to go to get the tickets! To the anti-capitalism tour! FOR NINETY-FIVE CLAMS!!

Yeah. $95. Nearly a hundred bucks a pop.

Margaret Brennan asked him about it on Face the Nation, Sunday.

“I’ll throw in the book for free!” Spoken like a true hustler.

It’s a short clip because she didn’t push him on it when his answer was not an answer, but it’s hilarious to watch him squirm. I like how he says he doesn’t make a dime. Besides the fact that he’s already rich, he of course makes a terrific living being That Anti-Capitalist Guy. That Socialist Guy. If it’s anything it’s a loss-leader.

By the way the book is called “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism” and I have to wonder if that includes being angry about his pricey tickets.

He certainly seemed angry that he was very lightly asked about it!


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