Heartbreaking video shows women opening up about how difficult her abortion is on her…

The planned parenthood baby-murder Democrats would have you believe that a woman is absolutely fine after having an abortion.

But here’s a video of a 28-year-old woman who is in the depths of despair over her abortion.

I went to her Tiktok account and couldn’t find the video any longer. Maybe I missed it. But I did find a follow-up video of her explaining the back story on the abortion.

Essentially, she cheated on her boyfriend out of revenge with someone she’d only known for three months and the pregnancy was an accident. She had taken the morning after pill but it didn’t work. She said she didn’t want to screw up the life of the father, who was younger than her, and she didn’t want the child at the time because she was serving active duty.

I’m guessing she got a lot of hate comments from the left because she not only made this follow-up video, but claimed in the video to still be adamantly pro-choice. Also the other video doesn’t appear to exist any longer on her page.

One thing is for sure though, that she hates that she had an abortion. I hope more women see this video and it gives them pause before they kill their baby too.

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