Here’s how Trump will avoid the protests during his London trip!

As we reported before, there will be protests in London during Trump’s visit, including a stupid baby Trump balloon flying over the parliament.

But Reuters is reporting that Trump’s trip will keep him away from the protests:

REUTERS – The president will steer clear of the demonstrations.

He will hold talks with Prime Minister Theresa May at her 16th-century manor house, meet Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle and attend a black-tie dinner at the home of former World War Two leader Winston Churchill – all outside London.

Johnson said the trip was not planned to avoid the protests. Trump has shown irritation before at protests in the United States.

On his arrival on Thursday afternoon, the president will travel to Blenheim Palace, the 18th-century mansion where Churchill was born and spent most of his childhood, eight miles (12 km) north of Oxford, according to May’s office.

In the evening, May will host a black-tie dinner for Trump at the stately home that will be attended by about 100 business leaders from industries including finance, pharmaceuticals, defence and technology.

For the only time during his visit, Trump will then travel into London when he will stay overnight at the home of the U.S. ambassador in the centre of the city.

On Friday, Trump and May will visit an undisclosed location to witness a display by British soldiers.

Trump will travel with May to Chequers, the prime minister’s official country residence. He will then go to meet the Queen at Windsor Castle, the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years.

Afterwards, the president will travel to Scotland, where he owns two golf courses. Trump’s wife, Melania, will have a separate itinerary and will be hosted by May’s husband Philip.

The US Ambassador Woody Johnson says the trip wasn’t planned to dodge the protests. But then Reuters suggests that Trump doesn’t like protests. So are they suggesting, indirectly of course, that Johnson may not be telling the whole truth here?

Either way, I’m glad it’s working out this way, at least in terms of the dumb baby balloon. I’m still hoping we get video of someone popping it.

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