Here’s the lowdown on this week’s phony impeachment proceedings

The phony Senate impeachment, which we will carry here live each day, is set to begin at noon tomorrow and here is how it will proceed:

NY POST – Former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial will begin Tuesday afternoon with arguments on its constitutionality — then almost certainly stretch into next week, under a deal hammered out by Democratic and Republican Senate leaders.

Tuesday’s arguments will last for up to four hours, equally divided between Democratic impeachment managers from the House of Representatives and Trump’s lawyers, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

A simple-majority decision will follow, with the outcome likely to mirror the 55-45 vote spurred last month by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who argued, “Private citizens don’t get impeached; impeachment is for removal from office. And the accused here has already left office.”

The trial schedule sets aside 16 hours over two days for each side to present its case, starting at noon on Wednesday, with each day’s presentation limited to eight hours.

Because one of Trump’s lawyers, David Schoen, has asked for a recess during the Jewish Sabbath, the trial will be suspended by 5 p.m. Friday and reconvene on Sunday.

Following the opening statements, senators will have four hours to ask questions, and there may be four hours of arguments, equally divided, in case the House managers want to issue subpoenas for witnesses and documents.

If the House managers decide not to press the issue of other witness testimony, the trial would shift to four hours of closing arguments, additional time for deliberations as requested, and a vote.

I have an idea. Why not just vote now and get it over with. No one’s mind will be changed by these proceedings and a conviction will ultimately fail. Forty-five Republicans have already gone on the record and said the impeachment is unconstitutional and that’s far too many for Democrats to be even close to getting the two-thirds majority.

Let’s end the kabuki impeachment theater and just vote now.

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