Here’s the TRUTH about how often rifles are used in shootings, and it’s nothing like how the media suggests…

The Democrat media world and political world are in a frenzy to ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ after the two mass shootings this weekend.

But when it comes to shooting crimes in America, rifles are one of the least used firearms when it comes to shootings:

WASHINGTON SECRETS – Most shooting crimes are done with pistols not rifles, despite Washington’s focus on AR and AK guns in its reaction to the weekend’s two mass slayings conducted with assault-style weapons.

A new study of guns and gun control measures finds that rifles are used in just 13.7 percent of crimes. For pistols it is 76%, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“While assault rifles and mass shootings really get Americans’ blood boiling and engender majority support for stricter gun laws, that support always fades after a few months. Why does this matter? Because assault rifles are not the real cause of firearm trouble in America,” said the latest AreaVibes survey shared with Secrets.


“In short, this means pistols and revolvers are the deadliest weapons in circulation and, perhaps, the largest threat to American safety. While rifles might be flashier or scarier, handguns are easy to conceal, steal, and transfer from one place to another,” it added.

Pistol’s account for almost 80% of all gun crimes in America according to the ATF. Wow. Even revolvers have been used in more gun crimes than rifles.

This just goes to show just how little good it would do to ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ in overall gun crimes and deaths.

For example, 7 people were killed and 46 wounded this weekend in Chicago alone. That many deaths is about average for Chicago on a weekend, which ends up being close to 400 every year, if not more. But Democrats and the liberal media don’t seem to care so much about those deaths very much.

Again this is why bringing back the ‘assault weapons’ ban won’t do much, if anything, to stop gun deaths in America. And it definitely won’t stop mass shootings.

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