Here’s why Joe Biden dropped his authoritarian COVID bomb yesterday

Yesterday we reported on Darth Biden announcing how he’s mandating everyone in the federal government get the jab or be fired, and then pushing that on businesses with 100 or more employees, saying they either need to force employees to get the jab or do testing every week. Not to mention how Biden said he would use his power to override governors of states that wouldn’t cooperate with is fascist decrees.

So why did Darth Biden taken this authoritarian turn yesterday, a couple days before 9/11? Perhaps because he knew there was some other news out there that might cast a very bad light on him, especially after his catastrophe of a withdrawal from Afghanistan:

There have been reports all week that the Taliban were planning this:

According to Gizzi, the White House and State Department were preparing statements condemning this if indeed the Taliban did this on 9/11.

The Daily Mail says the reports originated from Russian state media via an unnamed Taliban source:

Meanwhile, Russian state media has reported that the Taliban is considering holding the official inauguration of its new government on Saturday September 11 – the 20-year anniversary of the infamous 9/11 attacks.

On Wednesday, state-owned Russian news agency RIA Novosti cited an unnamed Taliban source claiming the group’s cabinet would be inducted on September 11 in a calculated move described as ‘trolling’ by head of RT Margarita Simonyan.

‘The inauguration of Afghanistan’s new government has been scheduled for 9/11. The Talibs are good not only at generating memes but also at trolling,’ she tweeted.

The Taliban have not officially confirmed the date of the inauguration since an interim government was announced earlier this week, but on Thursday the group demanded that the US lifted sanctions it had imposed on members of the cabinet.

Just as Gizzi pointed out, they also note that this hasn’t come down from the Taliban officially. So who knows if it’s actually going to happen. But honestly, it sounds exactly like something they would do.

And assuming it does indeed happen, Darth Biden would want a huge COVID media distraction so this terrible slap-in-the-face from the Taliban doesn’t get as much play, as John Hayward points out:

I fully expect the Taliban to do this, because it’s what Islamic terrorists love to do to humiliate their adversaries. And when it does happen, it will be all because of Joe Biden and his unpresidential and unAmerican cowardice.

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