Hey Germany, how do you like you FAKE Syrian migrants now?

A couple of angry North African migrants, who had posed as Syrian and Iraqi refugees, set fire to a German refugee camp after they weren’t awoken for their Ramadan meal:

BREITBART – A massive fire at Düsseldorf’s major international trade fair grounds yesterday has been followed by reports that the blaze was set deliberately by migrants who were angry because of Ramadan.

Officially, some 160 migrants were resident at hall 18 of the Messe Düsseldorf conference centre, but it was a facility plagued by racial conflict which had seen violence spark before. Düsseldorf’s Express newspaper reports these conflicts were not between European German staff and their guests, but between the predominantly Arab residents, and a minority of Afghans who sided with the security staff running the facility — who were mainly Iranian.

According to the testimony of “several burly Moroccan refugees” which the paper had spoken to even as the hall burnt down, the Iranians employed by the German state to look after other migrants from around the world had “deliberately” not woken the Arabs up in time for their Ramadan breakfast following a long run dispute.

The correct translation I believe is not that they were ‘burly Moroccan refugees’ but that they were ‘Moroccan-born refugees’.

Ramadan wasn’t the only reason for the fire. The migrants weren’t happy with the refugee camp and had set fires inside before.

The Moroccan men who set the fire were part of a group of eight men who were considered to be trouble-making malcontents, and they all falsely identified themselves as Syrian or Iraqi migrants to get into the country:

(NOTE: I helped smooth out the translation below via both Google Translate and Bing, just so you know.)

MORGENPOST – The fire in a Düsseldorf refugee camp caused around ten million euros damage and was started by two residents. One of the two, a 26 year old from North Africa, had been observed as he poured flammable liquid onto a mattress and set it on fire, police and public prosecutor’s Office announced on Wednesday. The other confessed to the crime against residents and journalists: “We had to do that, so that something changes”, he said.

They were regarded as ringleaders of the eight-member group of malcontents who’ve often caused trouble in the hall. Both men are brought before a judge on suspicion of serious arson. Although during the crime people slept in the hall, the prosecutor is not charging them with attempted murder.

The eight men arrested had initially claimed false nationalities and posed as Syrians or Iraqis.

In the hall there have already been four investigations of fires, and two weeks before there was an attempted arson in the same area of ​​the refugee camp.

The fire was preceded by a threat: something will happen if is nothing change. One of the men from the eight-Member group was registered as a North African multiple offender and noticed with thefts and drug offenses.

I hope this serves as a good reminder to the German people that it was Merkel who brought these ‘Syrian refugees’ into the country.

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