Hillary Clinton names ILLEGAL for LATINO outreach director!

Hillary Clinton named an illegal alien that got amnestied from Obama’s unconstitutional command as her director of Latino outreach, because all Latinos are illegal just like here, I guess. Except me.

Watch below:

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From NBC News:

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has named prominent DREAMer and immigration activist Lorella Praeli as Latino Outreach Director, a Clinton campaign official told NBC News. Praeli, who was undocumented for almost 13 years and became an outspoken advocate during that time, will be the Clinton campaign’s main point person with Latino communities around the country. She will also be one of the campaign’s surrogates with the press on Latino issues, including immigration.

Praeli’s appointment sends a strong signal that the Clinton campaign recognizes immigration reform as a key issue for many of the nation’s Hispanic voters. It also sends a message to Republican candidates to take a clearer position on immigration – a contentious issue for the GOP – as they court Latino votes. Recently Clinton said she supported full and equal citizenship for undocumented immigrants, saying that anything less is “code for second-class status.”

In a statement obtained by NBC News, Hillary for America National Political Director Amanda Renteria stated “We are thrilled to have Lorella Praeli, a DREAMer, join our team because of her courage and perspective in the fight for Latino families across the country.”

It’s really sad that this is the best they can do for Latino outreach – they’re showing that they’re going to go all out on illegal immigration amnesty, even worse than Obama has.

[Note: Lorella is Peruvian, not Mexican, so no Mexican racial slurs in the comments, dammit. Go find some Peruvian ones. No wait. Don’t do that either.]

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