Hillary IGNORED crucial states in election because of MIND-GAMES she played with Trump!

The aftermath of the terrible implosion of the Hillary campaign includes some anecdotes that will blow your mind with the stupidity and arrogance of the cankled commie crusader.

From Huffington Post:

In politics, much like anything else, victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan. A senior official from Clinton’s campaign noted that they did have a large staff presence in Michigan and Wisconsin (200 and 180 people respectively) while also stressing that one of the reasons they didn’t do more was, in part, because of psychological games they were playing with the Trump campaign. They recognized that Michigan, for example, was a vulnerable state and felt that if they could keep Trump away ― by acting overly confident about their chances ― they would win it by a small margin and with a marginal resource allocation.

Uhm really? She thought she was outsmarting Trump by IGNORING states she was weak in?! LOL!! Wow. What a complete maroon.

Here’s another that will make you laugh laugh laugh:

In Michigan alone, a senior battleground state operative told HuffPost that the state party and local officials were running at roughly one-tenth the paid canvasser capacity that Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) had when he ran for president in 2004. Desperate for more human capital, the state party and local officials ended up raising $300,000 themselves to pay 500 people to help canvass in the election’s closing weeks. By that point, however, they were operating in the dark. One organizer said that in a precinct in Flint, they were sent to a burned down trailer park. No one had taken it off the list of places to visit because no one had been there until the final weekend. Clinton lost the state by 12,000 votes.

A burnt out trailer park!!! LOL!! It’s so amazing. I love the irony of her running such a stupid sloppy campaign compared to the precise and advanced campaign of Obama – because of her arrogance, his entire legacy is screwed!

I don’t care who you are, that there is funny.

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