HOLY CRAP: Donald Trump Jr. just gave a big interview to a WHITE SUPREMACIST RADIO HOST


Given all the political heat Donald Trump has been under since his interview on Sunday where he refused to denounce David Duke or the KKK, this isn’t going to help at all:

THE GUARDIAN – Donald Trump Jr, the eldest son of the Republican presidential frontrunner and one of his political surrogates, has granted a 20-minute radio interview to a prominent white supremacist who broadcasts what has been dubbed as “the primary radio nexus of hate in America”.

The younger Trump will be featured as guest of honor in Saturday’s broadcast of the Political Cesspool, a three-hour program that lists among its objectives, “to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races.” The show is presented by James Edwards, an avowed white nationalist who is pro-slavery and whose previous guests include the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke as well as a raft of Holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis.

Edwards was granted credentials by the Trump campaign to appear as a bona fide media reporter at a recent stump appearance by the real estate billionaire in Memphis. He was given a media badge and a VIP parking slot before enjoying one-to-one time with the candidate’s son.

In a blog posted on his white nationalist website, Edwards said that his experience at the rally “lived up to my expectations”. In glowing terms, he said that his hopes for Trump’s candidacy had been proven right – Donald Trump was the leader “our people” had been waiting for.

The interview will be aired this Saturday but was granted and recorded last Saturday at Trump’s Memphis rally, so it happened right before Trump’s infamous interview.

Even so this might very well explain Trump’s lies about knowing David Duke and his clear reluctance to disavow Duke by name or, for that matter, any white supremacist group. David Duke is a regular on this radio show.

In related news, check out Buzzfeed’s post on how Donald Trump Jr. defended his dad’s degrading comments to women.

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