Hypocrite Hillary! Campaign CONFIRMS enormous gender WAGE GAP in her senate office!

Obama and Hillary both have made a lot of national headlines for peddling the utterly false statistic that women make 77% of what men make on the average. That stat has been debunked over and over, by even those on the left. To add insult to injury, the Free Beacon got the Hillary campaign to admit that women made way less than men at a rate even worse than the false one she peddles!

The Hillary Clinton campaign has confirmed the accuracy of a Washington Free Beacon analysis that showed that women working in Clinton’s Senate office were paid just 72 cents for each dollar paid to men.

The campaign told FactCheck.org it does not dispute the accuracy of the report, which analyzed the office’s publicly available disbursement forms from fiscal years 2002 to 2008 and found that men working for Clinton had a median salary $15,708.38 higher than women.

Here’s the graph of the egregious disparity from the Free Beacon (not bacon):

freebeacon graph

It would be easy to call them sexist, but really this just points to the natural disparities between men and women that lead to unequal distribution of wages. It’s not unjust, it’s just naturally unequal. Even some liberals are willing to admit that, but not the Hillinator, whose entire campaign depends on enraging women against the patriarchy. 

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