‘If you don’t like ME, vote for MIKE PENCE, it’s the SAME THING!’

Did the Trumptervention actually work? It sounds like el Trumpo is actually pivoting away from “I’m so great and everyone worships me” towards a more rational message of, “wow people kinda hate me, I should tone it down.”

Don’t believe me? Here is he is attempting to outreach to people, like myself, who think he’s a infantile scumbag who would insult the Oval Office with his bloated cretinous personage:

I mean, that’s the extent of his “Never Trump” outreach – vote for my Vice President. The problem with that, of course, is that the Vice Presidency isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit, and further, the problems people have with Trump simply cannot be mitigated by a decent Vice President. If you think he’s an infantile childish moron, you won’t believe an infantile childish moron will allow his opinion to be improved by the more wise opinion of a better man.

But then I don’t think I’m the audience he’s seeking, but it’s the low-info voter in the middle who can be scared from one side to the other. What do you think? Will the idiot be able to right the TrumpTrain, or is this the beginning of the end?

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