INQUISITION: Florida teacher FIRED for saying ANTIFA at Capitol riot; Florida professor FIRED over Tweets after ‘WITCH HUNT’

“Supporters arrived and suddenly there was violence. Already, three of those have been identified as Antifa members,” said a middle school substitute teacher in class. That statement of fact is unacceptable during The Purge.

The New York Post reports that the teacher, who is not named, was filmed by a student, and that video went up on an Instagram account @knowyourracists. So that should tell you something.

The unidentified substitute was filmed by a Bok Academy student who later posted the meltdown on the Instagram account @knowyourracists. According to the Lake Wales’ school principal Dr. Damien Moses, she was dismissed from school system, TMZ reported.

The post began: “Teaching kids that Antifa broke into the Capitol. … She was a substitute teacher in the middle school’s language arts class. She has been dismissed from the Lake Wales Charter School System.

“She just RANDOMLY started talking about this in 1st period, it was language arts class and we were about to do work when she started talking about the Capitol raid,” the post continued.

In the video, the woman can be heard placing full blame for the violent siege on a federal building on Antifa, saying, “Supporters arrived and suddenly there was violence. Already, three of those have been identified as Antifa members.”

The teacher piled on, adding “this is just another example of an ongoing problem in which Antifa is paid to go to peaceful protests and stir up violence so that the Trump supporters would look bad.”

The kids were mad because obviously Trump is bad. The parents were mad because what does that have to do with the class? I can sympathize with the second idea, but the Twitter/MSM triumphalism over the supposed “BIG LIE” of Antifa, which isn’t a lie, is just sickening.

The Daily Wire’s Ashe Schow reports on a separate incident, also in Florida, involving a professor.

Charles Negy was an associate psychology professor at University of Central Florida. After a previous incident of a controversial tweet saying that “black privilege is real” and his students demanding he be fired, it was decided he couldn’t be fired over one tweet because he was tenured.

So the school “opened a massive investigation into his decades-long career to find something it could use to terminate him,” reports Schow.

Negy’s attorney, Samantha Harris, wrote about his case at Quillette, arguing that since Cartwright couldn’t just fire Negy for the tweet, he asked students and faculty to come forward with accusations of discrimination. Cartwright first addressed Negy’s tweets and then said: “If any student, current or former, believes they may have experienced abusive or discriminatory behavior by any faculty or staff member, we want to know about it. UCF takes every report seriously. Concerns can be reported to UCF’s IntegrityLine, which also takes anonymous complaints.” (Emphasis added.)

And the “witch hunt” worked, says Schow.

Since June 4th, a litany (we don’t know the exact number, because they won’t say) of complaints has been lodged against Negy for his classroom pedagogy, for speech that allegedly occurred over a 15-year period from 2005 to 2020. The university charged Negy with discriminatory harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, sex, gender identity/expression, and disability—it is worth noting here that Negy himself is both an ethnic and sexual minority—while providing him with only a handful of “examples” of his alleged wrongdoing. Negy begged for more information prior to his investigative interview so that he might prepare to defend himself, but UCF refused.

He was called in, interrogated, treated like a criminal, and eventually had his tenure revoked so he can be fired.

They wouldn’t even let him defend himself. That’s the thoughtcrime era, and we’re in it full swing.

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