Ironies upon ironies: “Queer activist” doesn’t believe DE-transitioning is “REAL”

The impulse to invert things is irresistible to the lost Left, and so-called “queer activist” Jessie Pocock is the perfect example of the insanity that results from it.

A House committee hearing on Wednesday Pocock was asked by Republican Rep. Michael Cloud about the increasingly high percentage of “trans” individuals who have de-transitioned.

Pocock, who as a left-wing activist accepts the premises both that gender is not real and that trans gender is VERY real, doesn’t think that DE-transitioning is a real thing.

HOW? How can someone be like this? Just utterly without reason or any sense of the scope of their illogical propaganda-driven ideology that exists outside of thought processes entirely?

I just can’t get over this one y’all. Men having babies is real, changing gender is real, changing back, somehow, unbelievably, is NOT!??!

The insanity is never over and it can always be topped.

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