IT BEGINS: San Francisco Police won’t be allowed to respond to non-criminal calls anymore, but social workers will!

San Francisco has announced plans to defund the police in their city and ban them from responding to non-criminal calls, you know, to keep people safe:

FOX NEWS – San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Thursday said police will no longer respond to non-criminal calls as part of a major reform of the department.

Breed said in a news release that for calls that don’t involve a threat to public safety, police would be replaced by trained, unarmed professionals to limit unnecessary confrontation between the police department and the community.

The non-criminal calls will include neighbor disputes, reports on homeless people and school discipline interventions, among other activities.

“San Francisco has made progress reforming our police department, but we know that we still have significant work to do,” Breed said in the release. “We know that a lack of equity in our society overall leads to a lot of the problems that police are being asked to solve. We are going to keep going with these additional reforms and continuing to find ways to reinvest in communities that have historically been underserved and harmed by systemic racism.”

They are also neutering the police by disallowing them from using military-grade weapons, and defunding them:

As part of police reforms, San Francisco will also strengthen accountability policies, ban the use of military-grade weapons and divert funding to the African-American community, Breed said.

“Social workers and mental health workers…”

The reforms did not specify exactly how the city would fund its new policy or how it will be implemented.

The city will develop its plan over the next year and follow models like the Cahoots program in Eugene, Ore., Breed said. That community-based crisis program employs social workers and mental health workers to respond to disturbances where crimes are not being committed.

I’m sure this will work out well in San Francisco and I guarantee you it will cost a lot more money. They’re going to end up with a large non-criminal response team, probably that rivals the size of their police department, and their going to have to be trained as well. And I’d bet money that in a significant portion of their calls, they will have to call for police backup. Just wait and see.

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