‘It is CRITICAL’ – Ted Cruz explains why Trump MUST nominate and Senate MUST confirm RBG successor BEFORE election

Senator Ted Cruz appeared on Hannity tonight and made the DEFINITIVE case for why Trump should nominate a successor to Ruth Bader Ginsburg right away, why the Senate should take up the debate right away, and why the nominee should be confirmed BEFORE election day.

And even why Democrats should agree.

To summarize, Cruz pointed out the devastating impact on American society should there be a 4-4 court during what will certainly be a contested election.

“I believe that the president should next week, nominate a successor to the court. And I think it is critical that the Senate takes up and confirms that successor before election day,” said Cruz. “There’s going to be enormous pressure from the media, there’s going to be enormous pressure from Democrats to delay filling this vacancy, but this election, this nomination is why Donald Trump was elected.”

Watch, and the relevant portions of the appearance are transcribed below.

More from Cruz on the show.

“I believe that the president should next week, nominate a successor to the court. And I think it is critical that the Senate takes up and confirms that successor before election day. There’s going to be enormous pressure from the media, there’s going to be enormous pressure from Democrats to delay filling this vacancy, but this election, this nomination is why Donald Trump was elected. This confirmation is why the voters voted for a Republican majority in the Senate.

“And I’ll tell you one reason in particular, Sean, why I think it is tremendously important that not only does the nomination happen next week but that the confirmation before election day. Because Democrats and Joe Biden have made clear, they intend to challenge this election, they intend to fight the legitimacy of the election — as you know, Hillary Clinton has told Joe Biden ‘under no circumstances should you concede. You should challenge this election’ — and we cannot have election day come and go with a 4-4 court.

“A 4-4 court, equally divided cannot decide anything. And I think we risk a constitutional crisis if we do not have a nine justice supreme court particularly when there’s such a risk of a contested litigation and a contested election.

“Twenty years ago, I was part of the legal team that litigated Bush v Gore and went to the Supreme Court. 37 days the country did not know who the president was going to be, and if we had a 4-4 court it could have dragged on for weeks and months.

“So I think we have a responsibility. A responsibility to do our job. The president should nominate a principled constitutionalist with a proven record, and the senate is going to take a lot of work to get it done before election day but I think we should do our job and protect the country from the constitutional crisis that could result otherwise.”

As Hannity said when Cruz was finished making his case, it was “very well-argued as usual.”

He’s right. Anything else is just messing with the fate of our nation.

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