‘It’s WRONG and DISGUSTING!’ – Breitbart spox QUITS after Trump/Fields assault fiasco!!

Apparently the video that came out today showing Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski almost certainly grabbed Michelle Fields has pushed Breitbart’s spokesperson to call it quits.

From his Twitter account:

Here’s more from Mediaite:

Kurt Bardella, who through his PR firm Endeavor Strategies operated as Breitbart’s spokesman, resigned his position with the media company amid the ongoing brouhaha over reporter Michelle Fieldsallegation of assault against Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

“I reached the point where I felt I couldn’t give 100% to my client,” Bardella told Mediaite. “And when that happens, I think I have a responsibility to tell them that.” He added that it wasn’t just the Lewandowski fracas that contributed to his decision to leave, but that the last 72 hours had “crystallized” his decision and highlighted just how little he enjoyed aspects of his job.

As pointman for Breitbart’s public relations operations, Bardella was faced with something of perfect storm as the Trump-friendly website went to war with their candidate of choice. Along the way, Breitbart faced criticism for not defending Fields strongly enough and when two oftheir own employees appeared to side with Trump and against Fields.

The former Issa spokesman briefly became part of the story himself, when The Daily Beast reported that he had called Fields the night of the assault to berate her for her boyfriend Jamie Weinstein‘s supportive tweets. In an earlier statement to Mediaite, Bardella strongly denied those allegations: “I could give two shits about what Jaime Weinstein does or tweets or says.”

Notice something interesting – he blames the ugliness of the Trump campaign for his quitting, but he doesn’t work for Trump, he works for the Breitbart sites. Sooooo yeahhhhh….

Yup, you lie down with dogs, you get up fleas. Or in this case, you lie down with toupee’d totalitarians, your female reporters are gonna get assaulted. “Allegedly.”

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