Jake Tapper CALLS OUT Fox News and Daily Caller on Twitter for misrepresenting his words…

Jake Tapper is accusing Fox News and the Daily Caller of lying about what he said yesterday on-air about the phrase ‘Allahu Ackbar’.

The Fox News tweet has been deleted, so don’t bother clicking on it.

Here is who Tapper said started the lies about him:

So what is the lie?

Here’s the title and first paragraph of the Daily Caller’s piece that Tapper is singling out as the culprit. Note that it has a ton of facebook/twitter likes and shares:

CNN’s Jake Tapper Calls Allahu Akbar ‘Beautiful’ After Terrorist Attack:

CNN anchor Jake Tapper called the Islamic phrase Allahu Akbar “beautiful” minutes after reports of a terrorist attack in New York City, Tuesday on “The Lead.”

Here’s the video that is being used to say Jake Tapper called ‘Allahu Ackbar’ beautiful:

Here’s the transcript from Breitbart:

TAPPER: “Shimon Prokupecz has some breaking news that might bear on your take on this horrific incident.”

PROKUPECZ: That’s right, Jake. So what we’re told, I’m told by three sources now that the NYPD and the FBI are investigating this as a terrorism incident. Our understanding is that, according to witnesses who police have now talked to, they’re saying — they’re telling police that they heard the driver saying, yelling, ‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,’ during this incident, which is now leading authorities to believe that this is, as a result, that this is now a terrorism case. And I’m just getting an update now that the FBI is taking over this case because it appears now that this is terrorism.

TAPPER: The Arabic chant, Allahu Akbar, God is great, sometimes said under the most beautiful of circumstances, and too often we hear it being said in moments like this. General Clapper, when you were director of national intelligence, you had afternoons like the one that the director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, is having right now. What goes through your mind? And what are the actions that you’re ordering the intelligence agencies to take?

Honestly when I hear and read this, Jake Tapper isn’t calling the phrase ‘Allahu Ackbar’ beautiful. He’s saying it’s sometimes said in the most ‘beautiful of circumstances’ and also during terrorist attacks like what happened yesterday.

Now we can argue about whether any of those beautiful circumstances in which Allahu Ackbar is said are actually beautiful, but Tapper is clearly not saying the phrase itself is beautiful, as the Daily Caller claims.

He explains it on his Twitter account to The DC author:

And to another of his followers:

The Daily Caller claims their story is absolutely true:

I like some of The DC’s articles, but I just don’t see them being in the right here.

To the credit of Fox News, they at least deleted the tweet and hopefully any article they posted with this claim. Hopefully Daily Caller will do the same.

Look, everyone makes mistakes. We’ve certainly done it here but we’ve always corrected them. It happens. There’s no point in Daily Caller dying on the vine for something so obvious as this.

But hey, maybe some of you think I’m wrong here?

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