Jake Tapper took to Twitter today to call for articles of impeachment against Trump for ‘intimidating’ Yovanovitch with his mid morning tweets:
Amb. Yovanovitch testifies about POTUS and his team smearing her.
During her testimony, Pres. Trump goes on twitter and attacks her.
Asked for her reaction in real time, the witness says she finds the attack intimidating.
A potential article of impeachment, right there.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) November 15, 2019
Tapper writes “A potential article of impeachment, right there.”. Way to let your biases hang out for all to see.
Marc Thiessen, who certainly didn’t like Trump’s tweets, explained how this isn’t even close to witness intimidation:
1. Trump ridiculous to attack her this am.
2. Saying she was terrible and that he had constitutional authority to fire her is not witness intimidation which is "the threatening of a crucial court witnesses by pressure or extortion to compel him/her to not to testify" https://t.co/9JSTtQeBCK— Marc Thiessen (@marcthiessen) November 15, 2019
Mollie Hemingway called it “too silly for words”:
Guys, we get that you feel Orange Man Bad deep in your bones, but this is almost too silly for words. Like, listen to yourselves. https://t.co/f6m7ACxjf6
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 15, 2019
Here’s a few more tweets you might enjoy:
LOL ok boomer https://t.co/kqm7d0x6cj
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) November 15, 2019
Peak stupidity has been reached. https://t.co/PYZj1qeV56
— Ned Ryun (@nedryun) November 15, 2019
Oh Jake
This is really sadYou need to relax & pace yourself
You've got five more years of this https://t.co/ympsmnF2OH— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) November 15, 2019
You're a clown, Jake. https://t.co/ldUMgrTBbG
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 15, 2019
UPDATE: I wanted to throw this in for good measure…
This may be the single most ridiculous claim of the Dem show trial. No, the President’s tweeting is not “witness intimidation.” You may not like the tone of some or even many of his tweets, but it’s absurd to suggest that tweeting is an impeachable “high Crime [or] Misdemeanor.” https://t.co/afuu4OWUb3
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 15, 2019