Jake Tapper GRILLS John Kerry over saying ‘ISIS is on the RUN’ amidst domestic attacks…

Jake Tapper obliterates John Kerry so bad for saying they got ISIS on the run that he’s going to need James Taylor to come play to ease the pain of his rhetorical demise.

Kerry gets visibly angry at the Tapman, who just keeps pressing on:

In fact, I hate to say it and you’ll all destroy me in the comments, but Kerry has a point – there are actual verifiable signs that the effort to shut down the supposed ISIS caliphate is working. And that means they’ll lash out in encouraging “lone wolf” attacks because they don’t have the capability to lead and organize such attacks themselves. But that’s little consolation to the families of the victims of all these attacks, AND more importantly, it has nothing to do with how government is failing to protect us from domestic attacks.

It’s also worthwhile to note that what we have now is EXACTLY what John Kerry promised he would seek when he lost the election to one George Dubya Bush – if you’ll remember, he said once that the best government could do is get terrorism down to an occasional “nuisance.” If suffering a horrific attack that kills scores of Americans every few months is a minor nuisance, then we got exactly what they promised….

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