JEB: Undocumented immigrants deserve legal status — LEVIN: Do you ever talk about Americans?

Jeb Bush is at it again, this time pandering to a group of Latino evangelicals by telling them that ‘undocumented workers’ (not illegals) deserve legal status:

NBC NEWS – GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush told a convention of Hispanic evangelicals that undocumented immigrants should be able to get legal status.

“This country does spectacularly well when everyone can pursue their God-given abilities,” Bush said during the keynote speech he delivered at the National Christian Hispanic Leadership Conference Wednesday in Houston. The group is a backer of immigration reform with a path to citizenship and has supported President Barack Obama’s executive action that would temporarily shield millions from deportation and allow them to work.

Bush said the U.S. has the chance to be an emerging country again but to do so must fix the immigration system, which he said means controlling the border, making legal immigration easier, “but it also means dealing with the 11 million undocumented workers who are here in this country, 11 million people that should come out of the shadows and receive earned legal status, where they pay a fine, where they work … provide for their families, not receive government assistance and over a period of time be able to receive earned legal status.”

Jeb Bush already using the left’s language. It makes me sick.

Mark Levin has a question for Jeb in the short clip below. He wants to know from Jeb if he ever talks about the hard working Americans or is it always ‘undocumented workers’?

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